Monday, February 10, 2014

Meeting diverse needs of learners through learner-centered strategies and equitable access

By using learner-centered strategies, teachers can meet the needs of a growing diverse student population. Each student will be able to grow and improve in their own ways through collaboration with other students. It is important for teachers to give them the necessary tools and support for students to discover things on their own. Students today are very independent and learn more on their own than ever before. Because of this we need to implement learner-centered strategies. After all, we are teaching them! It's not about the teachers, it's about the students. By working together and discovering new things on their own students gain self-confidence and become more proactive then before. It is important to give them that power. The important aspect to recognize is that technology can be used for a series of different learners, but it is whether or not the teacher is willing to go the extra mile and make sure the technology will be used to benefit the student.