Sunday, May 4, 2014

Phase 3- Comprehensive Reflection

  • Standard 1: Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity
  • Strand 1 items 1-3

    Throughout the class this semester I learned one way to facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity is to allow students more freedom when assigning activities. When they don’t have to follow strict guidelines and have a variety of options, the student is able to use their creativity and interests to shows their individual strengths. This makes it easier to get to know the student through their work when the creativity is shown since they will be more engaged in the material. One way I feel student learning and creativity was learned in my lessons were through the use of Kidspiration and Pixie. When teaching my first lesson in class, the students were to identify the 5 major elements of a story they watched on YouTube. First the students worked as a group for the first video to identify these elements (plot, conflict, characters, setting, and themes) this allowed them to understand and get a grasp on what they were doing and also. Then individually they were to do the same and document their thoughts and identify these in a kidspiration premade outline. This is a perfect example of how students would reflect using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify their conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes as well. My first lesson plan also allowed students also were able to exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources. They worked as a group to find the conflict of a story and had to map out their thoughts using a kidspiration program.

    Strand 1 item 4: model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues, and others in face-to-face and virtual environments.

    This semester I never had encountered anything in my teaching that involved face to face interaction through virtual environments. But one way I would incorporate is by using Skype with students to interact with them when we were separated. Another great thing I learned about this semester is a website that allows virtually interaction between two classrooms around the world. I think this is a great way for students to share and compare ideas they have with students from different parts of the world to see how their ideas differ and relate to each other.

     Standard 2- Develop and Design Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments

    Items 1-3

    Students I taught this semester were given the opportunity to be creative and learn new things when I chose to use Kidspiration and inspiration programs. Both of these applications are amazing and very user friendly. They are very easy to figure and learn how to use; they allow the students the freedom to create individual work through various activities and diagrams. The students were also given the opportunity to address their curiosity and taking advantage of their individual learning in both lessons.

     Students were able to assess their own progress when they were completing these programs in my first lesson. They were allowed to assess their selves by filling out the premade diagrams. Another way student were able to assess their selves that I used in this class, was in my second lesson plan where students would take online quizzes that tested them on how accurate they were able to fill out a United States map that required them to fill in both the states names and their capitals. These quizzes gave them a completion progress tracker which gave them an idea of how well they are doing without giving them a score. I find this well be very helpful for students so they will have an understanding of how much time they have left in an assignment and also give them an estimate on how well they are doing on the assignment.

    For diverse learning styles, I allowed group work, hands-on activities, visual aids, audio support, and repetition so if there were any questions, and they could be addressed immediately. During the lesson, there were formative assessments which were in the form of me asking questions and checking each student’s progress on the activities.

    Item 4-provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments aligned with content and technology standards and use resulting data to inform learning and teaching.

    One example of this would be in my second lesson I taught at the YMCA in Phoenix were I gave students two different forms of assessment. The first was an online visual quiz from the website sporcle where they would have fifteen minutes to fill in a blank map of the U.S. by typing in the names of the states and their capitals. The other way I tested their knowledge was by having a premade document that listed the fifty states and they would have to type in their capitals next to it. Most of the students told me they preferred the online quiz.


    Standard 3: Model Digital-Age Work and Learning Items 1-4
To demonstrate digital-age work and learning, I used Kidspiration and also interactive online websites such as sporcle. My lessons were for 3rd and 4th grade so these software programs worked perfectly for my students. Before I taught each lesson i made sure I became an expert in the technology and programs that I was using so it there were problems or questions that the students had I would be able to immediately know how to fix the issue or how to explain how to fix the problem to the student. I would also download the trail version of the software onto my laptop a week or so before the lesson and just play around with it every day.

For each lesson I had some form of collaboration. For my first lesson, at the start they worked as a group to fill out an outline after they watched a video. They had to identify the five major elements of a story. For the second lesson that I taught at the YMCA they worked in pairs on filling a map of the U.S.

For my first lesson, after each of the students were done creating their own outlines that showed the five elements of a story that they had watched, they would all share each other’s kidspiration documents and compare and contrast their ideas. They were also given lose guidelines on the activity so they could either show their ideas through pictures, words or both. This allowed students to choose the learning style they felt the most comfortable with on the assignment.

All of my lessons incorporated a variety of choices of digital interactive activities. One example is during my second lesson, I allowed students to practice learning the state capitals by choosing and switching through four different web activities that were listed for the assignment. This allowed students to find an activity that suited them    

Standard 4: Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility

Its important for a teacher to find a way to incorporate safe, legal,ethical use of digital information and technology in the classroom. Teachers need to provide a safe digital environment of their students. one of the ways a teacher can achieve this is by establishing rules and guidelines when using forms of technology in the classroom. By clearly teaching students what forms of legal issues are involved with these forms of technology, such as plagiarism, piracy, and using undesired website that are not age appropriate, these issues can easily be avoided. when students are using technology in the classroom its important for the students to be using the proper and safe websites. certain websites can serve as an excellent resource for gathering useful information, while others can serve as a distraction. Its important for teacher to make sure their students are properly engaged in the lesson plan and are not wondering off to prohibited websites.
It's just as important to treat people with courtesy and respect online as it is in real life. People sometimes forget that interacting with people online can have same effect as face to face conversations. When posting comments about either yourself or others, it’s important to clearly think about what you’re writing. Your online interactions might have unaware consequences. Cyber-bullying is an issue that comes up with digital etiquette. Writing hurtful things about someone online can be just as hurtful maybe even more so than in real life. A basic rule to follow whit online interactions is to treat others how you would want to be treated. The internet can be a powerful tool when it comes to circulating opinion or information. Because it can be spread very quickly and is easy to access, the impact it can make can increase the dramatic. Some people are pushing for using their real names as user id to place more responsibility on people when they leave these comments. For global awareness students could email or become pen pals with students from other countries to get a understanding of of world views of students from other countries.