Monday, January 20, 2014

Safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology

Its important for a teacher to find a way to incorporate safe, legal,ethical use of digital information and technology in the classroom. Teachers need to provide a safe digital environment of their students. one of the ways a teacher can achieve this is by establishing rules and guidelines when using forms of technology in the classroom. By clearly teaching students what forms of legal issues are involved with these forms of technology, such as plagiarism, piracy, and using undesired website that are not age appropriate, these issues can easily be avoided. when students are using technology in the classroom its important for the students to be using the proper and safe websites. certain websites can serve as an excellent resource for gathering useful information, while others can serve as a distraction. Its important for teacher to make sure their students are properly engaged in the lesson plan and are not wondering off to prohibited websites.  
Copyright infringement is a major issue in all levels of schooling. Many people are either unaware or don't care that they are violating certain copy right protection laws and using other peoples information as their own without properly sighting and give credit to the author of the information. when students are using other peoples in their own work,  teachers need to make sure that they understand how to properly cite another person's work. If the students do not follow these safe, legal, and ethical rules of technology, or they do not treat the technology with respect, they will lose their privileges of using theses technology device. Technology can serve as an amazing and useful tool in the classroom that can help schools evolve into much greater things, as long as we take precautions.

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