Monday, March 3, 2014

Lesson plan 1st post

Elements of a Story
Grade Level: 4th-5th

Subject: Language Arts

Topic of Study: Elements of a story (Plot, characters, themes, setting, conflicts)

Time Allotment: 30 minutes long

● Craft and structure (AZ 3rd grade reading standard
●Integration of knowledge and ideas (AZ 3rd grade writing standard 5

Objectives: (What do you want the students to know or be able to do?, I will be looking carefully on how they align with your assessment)

●            The Student will create a web outline that relates to the story they watched. In this activity the student will be required to identify the theme, setting, plot, characters, and conflicts that are related to the story they viewed. They will use the program inspiration to create this outline.(5.rL.2) (4.rL.3)

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