Sunday, March 23, 2014

lesson plan phase 2

1. Instructional decisions and teaching

During my lesson overall I had few issues and everything seemed to run smoothly. There were a few issues I had during my lesson. The first was the sound on my computer didn’t work. This was an issue for me because for my lesson all of the students were required to watch a Youtube video together and fill out a worksheet that had related to the video. This was not that big of an issue since I was able to use one of my peer’s computers instead. The final problem I encountered was one of my peers showed up halfway through the lesson and I rushed to help her catch up to where the others were at in the lesson. What worked well in my lesson was the worksheet; all of the people involved enjoyed it and found it very easy to use. The videos related to the assignment were also very fun and engaging which made it more enjoyable for the participants. The standards and objective of the lesson were all meet, each student was able to correctly identify all of the elements of the story. Everything worked out better than I had expected it to and it ran very smoothly. The only modifications I encountered were my computers sound not working and having to help the late arrival catch up.
2. Mechanics

The technologies that I used were YouTube videos and a premade inspiration program that I had created prior to the lesson. I had also created a survey to get instant feedback on how well my lesson went and get constructive input from my peers on how the lesson could be improved. The YouTube videos were used by the students the watch for the 5 major elements of a story and the inspiration assignment was used to check the understanding of the students’ knowledge of the topic. The lesson plan ran 2 minutes shorter than the allowed time frame. For this time I had all the peers compare their filled out assignments the check for similarities and differences. For the late arrival I had to skip the group part of the lesson plan for her, because I didn’t want to have the other students repeat the assignment and also there was not enough time left to do so.

3. Artifacts
All of my students completed the assignments perfectly. All of the objectives were meet within the lesson. All the students were able to correctly identify all of the major elements of a story. Only a few issues had occurred. All of the peer feedback surveys gave me nothing but praise.

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