Sunday, April 20, 2014

Lesson Plan 2 Implementation


Procedure: To start the lesson all the students will work as a group on an online activity that will help them remember their prior knowledge about the location of the states from the website After this they will individually practice and memorizes the state locations and their capitals from the websites that are listed in the material and resources section above.

Technology: This will be the websites listed above in the materials section. They will be using a variety of interactive games and quizzes for both practice and assessment.

For students with cognitive delay they will not be timed on the sporcle quiz at the end of the lesson that will be assessed. The timer on the quiz will not paused so they have the extra time they need to complete the quiz without have the pressure of being on a set time limit.

For gifted students, they will take the most difficult activities and quizzes from the websites. Each of the websites from the materials and resources section has a degree of difficulty for each of the activities. By having them complete the more difficult activities it will give the students more of a challenge.

For ELL they will have to option to use a translator the switch between languages so they can understand what they are doing.


I used these instructional methods to make every student have the best chance at understanding to material and doing well on the assessment. All of the activities I choose are very engaging and entertaining. This allows the students to both have fun and also improve their skill level in learning the state locations and their capitals. The websites i used were a great way for students to use different ways of learning a subject and incorporating technology into their learning experience.

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