Monday, April 21, 2014

Lesson Plan 2 Phase 2

Instructional Decisions/Teaching: 

My lesson plan worked out extremely well. Since I worked at the YMCA I was not sure how many people i would be having or what ages they would be i wasn't  certain how to lesson was going to go. I was surprised that I had 8 kids who were willing to be students in my lesson plan.  All of the kids seemed to enjoy the activities I had selected about learning the state location and their capitals. Their Favorite part of the lesson plan was the sporcle quizzes. One of the things that did not work out so well was that I was only able to use three computers since the others were being used to do homework for the after school program. I had the students work in pairs instead of individual on the online activities.

Mechanics: The technologies that I used were web activities and quizzes about the 50 state locations and the names of their capitals. For the timing of my lesson plan it was a more of a challenge then I had expected. Some of the kids left in the middle of the lesson because their parents picked them up early. Since the YMCA does not force the kids to arrive and leave at a certain time I had to adapt the lesson plan as I went along. But I was able to complete all the activities with 5 of the kids.

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